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Charles Hawksley

Interview with Charles Hawksley (UOW)

12/12/2022 - 17:56

Interview with Dr. Charles Hawksley from the University of Woolongong in Australia, he talks about his role in the Falah project and workpackage number 2:

Food security.

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Adeline Mweleul

Interview with Adeline Mweleul

12/12/2022 - 17:50

Interview with Adeline Mweleul, PhD candidate from Vanuatu. What are her missions and objectives within the team?

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Retrospective seminar FALAH Vanuatu 2022

04/12/2023 - 11:01

The second delocalized scientific seminar of the RISE FALAH project in Vanuatu was held at the National University of Vanuatu (UNV) in Port Vila, from 25th to 27th October 2022.

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Day 3 seminar FALAH in Vanuatu

08/07/2023 - 11:10

Excursion around Port-Villa:
First stop at the local market; how the market is organized and how waste is recycled.

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Day 2 of the seminar in Vanuatu

11/22/2022 - 14:18

Presentations on "ideas and methods for building a collective, shared and relevant definition and discussion of family farming issues in the Pacific".

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Interview with Pierre Metsan

11/22/2022 - 12:56

Interview with Pierre Metsan PhD candidate at the University of New Caledonia. 

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Day 1 first worshops of the FALAH seminar in Vanuatu

04/12/2023 - 11:03

Begining of the workshop

Presentation of the integral program by Dr Olivier GALY and Pr Jean-Marie FOTSING,

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FALAH et la Fête de la Science

02/27/2024 - 07:55

Discussions on FALAH-related Master's-level academic work on family farming lifestyle & health.

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About us

FALAH is a network of interdisciplinary teams made up of 14 institutions